1. Key point
- People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.
2008년 4월 13일 일요일
1. Alan Turing ?
_ Founder of computer science, Artificial intelligence
_ Mathematician
_ philosopher
_ Codebreaker
_ A gay man
2. Alan Turing's imitation game
_ It is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an interrogator who may be of either sex. The interrogator stays in a room apart from the other two. The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman.
We can have a question through this game.
-> What will happen when a machine takes the part of the man in this game?
-> Can machines think?
Finally,he was thinking of thinnking.
3. AI : Artificial Intelligence.
@ Definition
: AI is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans ( by. Marvin Minsky)
@ Research areas
: Knowledge Representation , Programming Languages , Natural Language Understanding , Speech Understanding , Vision , Robotics , Machine Learning , Planning , and so on...
4. Planning as a technical problem
- It is what is known in AI as a “planner.”
- it is a computer program for thorems proof, geometric problems and chess playing
- A Program That Simulates Human Thought
- To work, GPS required that a full and accurate model of the “state of the world” be
encoded and then updated after any action was taken
@ A problem with AI planning
_ frame problem
-the “frame problem”: This assumption – that perception was always accurate and
that all of the significant details of the world could be modeled and followed – was
incorporated into most AI programs for decades and resulted in what became known to
the AI community as the “frame problem (our physical symbol system broke the law of representation in a situation);”
- the problem of deciding what parts of the internal model to update when a change is
made to the model or the external world.
-> How does one keep track of the frame of reference of an operation (transformation)?
-> In particular, what changes and what stays the same when an operator is applied to
the representation of a state?
( link to help my understanding - http://www.aistudy.com/problem/frame_problem.htm)
@ problems with story generation
- missing common sense
Examples of Tale-spin’s missing common sense
–Answers to questions can take more than one form.
–Don’t always take answers literally.
–You can notice things without being told about them.
–Stories aren’t really stories if they don’t have a central problem.
–Sometimes enough is enough.
–Schizophrenia can be dis-functional.
5. Question answering as a problem
@ Solution : ELIZA
_ ELIZA is a Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language Communication between Man and Machine ( by, J. Weizenbaum)
( ELIZA is a computer program by J. Weizenbaum, designed in 1966, which parodied a Rogerian therapist, largely by rephrasing many of the patient's statements as questions and posing them to the patient. Thus, for example, the response to "My head hurts" might be "Why do you say your head hurts?" The response to "My mother hates me" might be "Who else in your family hates you?" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA)
" His love is real. But he is not real " - It is the text in the movie that we saw.
It is so impressive..
This class give me chance to think about AI.
During writing this homework, I felt that AI is so complex !!
In order to understanding AI, we needs computer tech, muchine language,
biology, psychology ~~ etc ~~~
So, it is very attractive although it is difficult.
And We learned Alan.
He is very smart ! and his life was like a movie. :D
_ Founder of computer science, Artificial intelligence
_ Mathematician
_ philosopher
_ Codebreaker
_ A gay man
2. Alan Turing's imitation game
_ It is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an interrogator who may be of either sex. The interrogator stays in a room apart from the other two. The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman.
We can have a question through this game.
-> What will happen when a machine takes the part of the man in this game?
-> Can machines think?
Finally,he was thinking of thinnking.
3. AI : Artificial Intelligence.
@ Definition
: AI is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans ( by. Marvin Minsky)
@ Research areas
: Knowledge Representation , Programming Languages , Natural Language Understanding , Speech Understanding , Vision , Robotics , Machine Learning , Planning , and so on...
4. Planning as a technical problem
- It is what is known in AI as a “planner.”
- it is a computer program for thorems proof, geometric problems and chess playing
- A Program That Simulates Human Thought
- To work, GPS required that a full and accurate model of the “state of the world” be
encoded and then updated after any action was taken
@ A problem with AI planning
_ frame problem
-the “frame problem”: This assumption – that perception was always accurate and
that all of the significant details of the world could be modeled and followed – was
incorporated into most AI programs for decades and resulted in what became known to
the AI community as the “frame problem (our physical symbol system broke the law of representation in a situation);”
- the problem of deciding what parts of the internal model to update when a change is
made to the model or the external world.
-> How does one keep track of the frame of reference of an operation (transformation)?
-> In particular, what changes and what stays the same when an operator is applied to
the representation of a state?
( link to help my understanding - http://www.aistudy.com/problem/frame_problem.htm)
@ problems with story generation
- missing common sense
Examples of Tale-spin’s missing common sense
–Answers to questions can take more than one form.
–Don’t always take answers literally.
–You can notice things without being told about them.
–Stories aren’t really stories if they don’t have a central problem.
–Sometimes enough is enough.
–Schizophrenia can be dis-functional.
5. Question answering as a problem
@ Solution : ELIZA
_ ELIZA is a Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language Communication between Man and Machine ( by, J. Weizenbaum)
( ELIZA is a computer program by J. Weizenbaum, designed in 1966, which parodied a Rogerian therapist, largely by rephrasing many of the patient's statements as questions and posing them to the patient. Thus, for example, the response to "My head hurts" might be "Why do you say your head hurts?" The response to "My mother hates me" might be "Who else in your family hates you?" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA)
" His love is real. But he is not real " - It is the text in the movie that we saw.
It is so impressive..
This class give me chance to think about AI.
During writing this homework, I felt that AI is so complex !!
In order to understanding AI, we needs computer tech, muchine language,
biology, psychology ~~ etc ~~~
So, it is very attractive although it is difficult.
And We learned Alan.
He is very smart ! and his life was like a movie. :D
2008년 4월 5일 토요일
1. Key points.
_ New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
example) Hikikomori : They isolate themselves away from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months. A hikikomori's days are characterized by long spells of sleeping, while their nighttime hours are often spent watching TV, extensively playing computer games, surfing the Internet, reading … .
_ When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.
2. social networks
(1) field
: Social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists. recently, physicists and mathematicians have made large contributions to understanding networks in general (as graphs) and thus contributed to an understanding of social networks too.
(2) definition
_ social networks as technology
_ social networks as popular culture
_ social networks as art
_ New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
example) Hikikomori : They isolate themselves away from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months. A hikikomori's days are characterized by long spells of sleeping, while their nighttime hours are often spent watching TV, extensively playing computer games, surfing the Internet, reading … .
_ When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.
2. social networks
(1) field
: Social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists. recently, physicists and mathematicians have made large contributions to understanding networks in general (as graphs) and thus contributed to an understanding of social networks too.
(2) definition
_ social networks as technology
_ social networks as popular culture
_ social networks as art
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