2008년 5월 25일 일요일


* surveillance : close watch kept over someone or something
we saw example of surveillance(with art as well as technology)

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safetydeserve neither liberty nor safety.”

* privacy :
_ a. the quality or state of being apart from company or observation
b. SECLUSION: freedom from unauthorized intrusion
_ archaic : a place of seclusion
_ source: Merriam Webster

2008년 5월 17일 토요일


The Introduction of Information Technology
-The Eleventh week(May 14th, May 16th), 『Human』

What is substitution for human organ?
-There are many substitution for human organ. For example, glasses substitute our eyes. and clothes substitute out skin, and cel-phone substitutes our memory, pinset substitutes our hands, and so on.

Are we free from them?
-I think we are not free from substitutions. because we are not naked in ordinary-because we wear clothes. and we use pinset, chopsticks by substitution of our hands. More deeply, weapons are substitution of our fist/kicks. In modern age, we are not free from them and we depend on them.

Ghost in the shell......
-The sub-title of animation movie 'Koukyakukidoudai(공각기동대)'. In the movie, Kusanagi is cyborg police agent. Only her brain is nature human's, other organs are machines. So she is almost machine, but she isn't. But she is not human, either. In the story, she is in pain because she is also confused by the fact that she is neither human nor machine.

Machine artificial organs......
-Those are replacement of lost organs like a legs/arms. Many humans lose his/her own organs by accident/war like a Rugal Bernstein(in King of Fighters), Bando(in Elfen lied), Hyoma Aoi(in Combattler V)...and so on. They lost their own arm by suiciding/battle with other guy/in accident during rescuing other guys. So they gets new electronic arm.

Is human all same?
-The fact 'We are human!' is same, but others are not same-because each guys have many other thing. for instance, one guy can have dark skin, but other guy can have bright skin. and one can be male, but other can be female. and each guys have all different hobbies/feeling about an action/objects in life. So I think that all humans are not same.

Is cyborg is real human or machine?
-I can't divide human/cyborg/machine directly, and I'm confused that cyborg is human or machine. because cyborg is not human or machine. Cyborg has things of both side. Like a Kusanagi(in Koukyakukidoudai) or Maxima(in King of Fighters), They can have human brains, but they can also have machine organs/bones. So I'm confused by the question about cyborg.

2008년 5월 10일 토요일


The Introduction of Information Technology
-The Tenth week(May 7th, May 9th), 『Computer game』

What is needed to make game?
-Those are graphics(for visual), physics(for effects), A.I.(for NPC, other players, etc.), rules, programming codes, stories, and so on.

What is game 'Mod'?
-It is the shorter name of 'modification'. It is used in fps games, rpg games, and so on. These are tool of items, characters, etc like a 'Make a new soldier' in 'Three kingdoms' by Koei.

What is needed to program source of a game?
-Physics and A.I. are needed to make a programming codes for a game.

History of computer game...
-It is started with basic ping pong game. And it starts to evaluate more really and effectively. In 1980s, Atari and NES appear to stage of game consoles. And many arcade video game rooms are made in 1980s. In these days, we can play with virtual reality and touch screens....and so on.

What is two issues to consider for games from film theory?
-One is identification, and the other is space, First, In game, a player have character's identification in game whil playing. Because characters do acts as player may trigger. Next, In game, space can be different from our common sense/real world. Because game's space is similar with that of literacture. So game's space can be as game director may make.

How does a game work for human?
-A game does as mirrors, drugs, contests, and metaphysical machines. because we can reflect ourselves by games, and games are addictive little a bit. And we can compete/fight by games like a Nekketsukousinkyoku(열혈행진곡-made by Technos Japan). And, we enter metaphysical world by game if the game is made to be metaphysical by directors of game.

Should genders be divided for games?
-I think genders shouldn't. Because if games are funny for someone - then it was done. For example, I liked The sims, but it was called for girls. But that game was funny for me, and it was done! There are many boys like Princess maker, and many girls like Tekken or Super robot wars(슈퍼로봇대전-made by Banpresto), The Idol m@ster..... and so on. And there are so many games not being able to divide gender demands-like a Tetris, Space invaders, Yunnori, and so on.

Is a game is cool media or hot media(by M. Mcluhan)?
-It can be both sides. Because games' demands can be more wider or more narrower than other games. For example, Tetris/Brain training(두뇌트레이닝) are popular in many people. but Figu@mate are just popular in guys called 'Otaku'. The former can be cool media, and the latter can be hot media.

2008년 5월 3일 토요일



- The surveillance model
cf. Surveillance camera. It has positive side and also have negative side.
Positive side : Camera decrease the crime rate because they watching by someone.
Negative side : Camera infringe privacy!

- CSCW (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work)
It is field of research and design.
- CAD (Computer Aid Design)
Computer work automatic! It decrease work time.
You have to do just drawing. Computer is automatically assume the default value!
- CAM (Computer Aid Manufacture)
Explain not needed :)

We reall the key point this class : Technology embody social, political, cultural, economical, philosophical things.

- Every Architecture has purpose. (cf. In millitary, commander located deep side of building. And in professor room, professor didn't want interference by other and want more connectable to student. So, their room located by that reason.

- We saw game Second-Life. And we see architecture of cyberspace.
- Panopticon
Developed by Jeremy Bentham. Purpose prison. Every layer connected to cell and center tower can watch all cell.
This algorithm also adapt hospital and factory.

I was tired. So, I don't attention this clss....ㅠㅠ..
Thesedays, in this class, movies are so interesting.
So, I find the attractions of Global media!

2008년 4월 26일 토요일



1. Key point
- People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.

2008년 4월 13일 일요일


1. Alan Turing ?

_ Founder of computer science, Artificial intelligence
_ Mathematician
_ philosopher
_ Codebreaker
_ A gay man

2. Alan Turing's imitation game

_ It is played with three people, a man, a woman, and an interrogator who may be of either sex. The interrogator stays in a room apart from the other two. The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman.

We can have a question through this game.
-> What will happen when a machine takes the part of the man in this game?
-> Can machines think?

Finally,he was thinking of thinnking.

3. AI : Artificial Intelligence.

@ Definition
: AI is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans ( by. Marvin Minsky)

@ Research areas
: Knowledge Representation , Programming Languages , Natural Language Understanding , Speech Understanding , Vision , Robotics , Machine Learning , Planning , and so on...

4. Planning as a technical problem

- It is what is known in AI as a “planner.”
- it is a computer program for thorems proof, geometric problems and chess playing
- A Program That Simulates Human Thought
- To work, GPS required that a full and accurate model of the “state of the world” be
encoded and then updated after any action was taken

@ A problem with AI planning
_ frame problem

-the “frame problem”: This assumption – that perception was always accurate and
that all of the significant details of the world could be modeled and followed – was
incorporated into most AI programs for decades and resulted in what became known to
the AI community as the “frame problem (our physical symbol system broke the law of representation in a situation);”
- the problem of deciding what parts of the internal model to update when a change is
made to the model or the external world.
-> How does one keep track of the frame of reference of an operation (transformation)?
-> In particular, what changes and what stays the same when an operator is applied to
the representation of a state?

( link to help my understanding - http://www.aistudy.com/problem/frame_problem.htm)

@ problems with story generation
- missing common sense

Examples of Tale-spin’s missing common sense

–Answers to questions can take more than one form.
–Don’t always take answers literally.
–You can notice things without being told about them.
–Stories aren’t really stories if they don’t have a central problem.
–Sometimes enough is enough.
–Schizophrenia can be dis-functional.

5. Question answering as a problem

@ Solution : ELIZA

_ ELIZA is a Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language Communication between Man and Machine ( by, J. Weizenbaum)

( ELIZA is a computer program by J. Weizenbaum, designed in 1966, which parodied a Rogerian therapist, largely by rephrasing many of the patient's statements as questions and posing them to the patient. Thus, for example, the response to "My head hurts" might be "Why do you say your head hurts?" The response to "My mother hates me" might be "Who else in your family hates you?" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA)

" His love is real. But he is not real " - It is the text in the movie that we saw.
It is so impressive..
This class give me chance to think about AI.
During writing this homework, I felt that AI is so complex !!
In order to understanding AI, we needs computer tech, muchine language,
biology, psychology ~~ etc ~~~
So, it is very attractive although it is difficult.

And We learned Alan.
He is very smart ! and his life was like a movie. :D

2008년 4월 5일 토요일


1. Key points.
_ New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
example) Hikikomori : They isolate themselves away from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months. A hikikomori's days are characterized by long spells of sleeping, while their nighttime hours are often spent watching TV, extensively playing computer games, surfing the Internet, reading … .

_ When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.

2. social networks


(1) field
: Social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists. recently, physicists and mathematicians have made large contributions to understanding networks in general (as graphs) and thus contributed to an understanding of social networks too.

(2) definition

_ social networks as technology

_ social networks as popular culture

_ social networks as art

2008년 3월 30일 일요일


1. key point.
- " People make media and then media make people. "
→ some people make many media, the media are a part of our lives.
people are connected each other, make something new, through media.

(+) we watch the paiknamjune's work and heard about him..
He was ahead of his time.

2. tim berners-lee ?
_ He is originator of 'www'.

@ what is the stated motivation of the research?
_ The WWW was developed to be a pool of human knowledge, which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas and all aspects of a common project.

@ what problem does this research address?
_ Originally the work was to provide a graphical interface to a set of distributed files used in physics project management at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Council for Nuclear Research) .

@ what is the economics of the work?
_the economics of standards

@ what is the stated genealogy of the technology?
_ bush’s memex; nelson’s writings on hypertext; berners-lee’s early implementations

@ who are the “dramatis personae” of the article?
–humans, physicists, engineers

3. WWW ( World wide wep)
_ It is a collaboratively authored hypertext and a standard.
_ It is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines

ISO : international standards organization
->ISO is a network of national standards institutes from 145 countries working in partnership with international organizations, governments, industry, business and consumer representatives. It acts as a bridge between public and private sector. It has created over 12,000 standards.

IETF : internet engineering task force
-> The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual.

RFC : request for comments

-> Each distinct version of an Internet standards-related specification is published as part of the "Request for Comments" (RFC) document series. This archival series is the official publication channel for Internet standards documents and Internet community. RFCs can be obtained from a number of Internet hosts using anonymous FTP, gopher, World Wide Web, and other Internet document-retrieval systems [e.g., www.ietf.org/rfc]. The RFC series of documents on networking began in 1969 as part of the original ARPA wide-area networking (ARPANET) project.
(+) http://100.naver.com/100.nhn?docid=718255

W3C : world-wide web consortium
-> W3C develops web standards and guidelines.
(+) http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/W3C

HTTP: hypertext transfer protocol

-> http is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext documents.
(network protocol? a set of rules used when computers send information across the network )

Paiknamjune is impressed me.
His is very creative person! cool ~~~

And Process of development of internet is interesting~!!!
Also, Inventors are amazing...!
I become to care about what i used thing thoughtlessly, through this class.

I can't understand many parts of a professor's saying in class.
Especially this week was more difficult..T0T.

2008년 3월 22일 토요일


3/21 Friday

1. Key points.
_ When a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media.
_ New media do not replace old media, they displace them.

2. Hypertext by ted nelson.

_ "One way that digital media has been understood is as new forms of writing, reading and thinking. "
_ It is not fixed.

We saw video used cup-up tech in order to understanding hypertext.
* cut-ups : The cut-up technique, also known as fishbowling, is an aleatory literary technique or genre in which a text is cut up at random and rearranged to create a new text


Common technologies of the 1960s is
> standard computer i/o of the 1960s was hollerith cards and paper printouts
> standard computer-human interaction of the 1960s was batch processing

(there are no input part)
so, He invented the mouse, 2d display editing, hypermedia & hypermedia email ,outline processing ,multiple window displays , document version control , shared-screen teleconferencing, computer-aided meetings , distributed client-server architecture, virtual terminal protocols and remote procedure call protocols ....

He wanted efficient connection between human and a machine.
Finally he invedted H-LAM/T system.
*H-LAM/T system: Human using Language, Artifacts, Methodology, in which he is Trained
>>“There are two separate domains of activity within the H-LAM/T system: that represented by the system, in which all explcit-human processes [finger and hand motions] occur; and that represented by the artifacts, in which all explicit-artifact processes [key-linkage motions in the typewriter] occur. ... Exchange across this [man-artifact] interface occurs when an explicit-human process is coupled to an explicit-artifact process.



: One way that digital media has been understood is as new forms of writing, reading and thinking.


I wonder Engelbart's creative idea.
His inventions are truly surprised!! He is so smart.
and video that I saw in class is strange. but it is impressive.
Becaus The cut and repeated movie(?) has unique rhythms and motions.

While I did homework, I was very difficult.
Because, In fact, I did't understand perpectly what i learned.
I think that my English ability must be increased. T0T..

2008년 3월 15일 토요일

정보기술개론 3월 셋째주.

_ When digital media thechologies connect or separate people, they become media.

>> Egg white connects dyestuff(?) to paper.
Also, it separates dyestuff from paper.
That is similar to 'digital media - peolpe' relation

_Computer technology is very compositive.
>> Computer technology does not necessarily start as silicon and gold
  Computer technology does not necessarily need to be implemented as hardware or sofrware.

_ Gerge boole. - " an investigation into the laws of thught"
>> He is a inventor of Boolean algebra, which is the basis of all modern computer arithmetic.
*Boolean algebra is the algebra of two values. These are usually taken to be 0 and 1, as we shall do here, although F and T, false and true, etc. are also in common use.

_Charles babbage -"diffrence engine"
>>He originated the idea of a programmable computer.

_ The two building blocks of computer
>> 1. switches: a steering element that can combine multiple signals into a single signal.
  2. connectors: the connecting element must have the ability to branch, so that a single output       can feed many in puts.

_vannevar bush.
>>He is inventor of "differential analyzer."
>> Memex : retrienal technology pioneered.

*1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra_(logic)

2008년 3월 7일 금요일
