The Introduction of Information Technology
-The Tenth week(May 7th, May 9th), 『Computer game』
What is needed to make game?
-Those are graphics(for visual), physics(for effects), A.I.(for NPC, other players, etc.), rules, programming codes, stories, and so on.
What is game 'Mod'?
-It is the shorter name of 'modification'. It is used in fps games, rpg games, and so on. These are tool of items, characters, etc like a 'Make a new soldier' in 'Three kingdoms' by Koei.
What is needed to program source of a game?
-Physics and A.I. are needed to make a programming codes for a game.
History of computer game...
-It is started with basic ping pong game. And it starts to evaluate more really and effectively. In 1980s, Atari and NES appear to stage of game consoles. And many arcade video game rooms are made in 1980s. In these days, we can play with virtual reality and touch screens....and so on.
What is two issues to consider for games from film theory?
-One is identification, and the other is space, First, In game, a player have character's identification in game whil playing. Because characters do acts as player may trigger. Next, In game, space can be different from our common sense/real world. Because game's space is similar with that of literacture. So game's space can be as game director may make.
How does a game work for human?
-A game does as mirrors, drugs, contests, and metaphysical machines. because we can reflect ourselves by games, and games are addictive little a bit. And we can compete/fight by games like a Nekketsukousinkyoku(열혈행진곡-made by Technos Japan). And, we enter metaphysical world by game if the game is made to be metaphysical by directors of game.
Should genders be divided for games?
-I think genders shouldn't. Because if games are funny for someone - then it was done. For example, I liked The sims, but it was called for girls. But that game was funny for me, and it was done! There are many boys like Princess maker, and many girls like Tekken or Super robot wars(슈퍼로봇대전-made by Banpresto), The Idol m@ster..... and so on. And there are so many games not being able to divide gender demands-like a Tetris, Space invaders, Yunnori, and so on.
Is a game is cool media or hot media(by M. Mcluhan)?
-It can be both sides. Because games' demands can be more wider or more narrower than other games. For example, Tetris/Brain training(두뇌트레이닝) are popular in many people. but Figu@mate are just popular in guys called 'Otaku'. The former can be cool media, and the latter can be hot media.
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